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Planet Bob - Mii and the Wii - 5 / 2009


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Hi there!


Oh I'm such a poor soul! Since the last reports I only managed buying two Wii games! But at least one of them was :thumbsup: quality! ;)


The list of games I'm done with: Wii Sports, Zelda TP, Excite Truck, Metal Slug Anthology, Geometry Wars, Bully :thumbsup:, Eledees, Zack & Wiki :thumbsup:, SMG, Death Jr., Battalion Wars 2, Disaster :thumbsup:, MP 3 :thumbsup:, Fire Emblem :thumbsup:, Boom Blox, de Blob, Opoona, Lego Indiana Jones, Okami, No More Heros :thumbsup:, MadWorld, Tunguska, Deadly Creatures, Force Unleashed, Wario Land, RE4, RE:UC, Tenchu 4


New entries in my Wii collection:


Another Code R => The perfect counterpart to Zack & Wiki: Instead of puzzles it focuses more on the story and characters. Also great gamedesign, IMO a step up from outdated LucasArts paradigms! :thumbsup:


The Conduit => Played about halfway through the story mode. I'm getting motion-sickness from it and what I saw from the game didn't excite me enough to endure the symtoms a whole week...




My current shopping list:


Anno => I learned that this version offers some simplistic coop tasks to perform for a second player, so I might even join my wife for a while ;)


Little Kings Story => Such a lovely gem, I definitely must have this!


Overlord Dark Legend => A Pikmin for goths, yay! :D


Metroid Prime Trilogy => No Brainer!


Cursed Mountain => I'll give it a try. Hopefully the better Resident Evil game on the Wii! ;)


Mini Ninjas => The best Ninja game ever? At least on Wii I bet!


Muramasa The Demon Blade => Such a beautiful art direction in this one, I hope the gameplay follows along.


Rabbids Go Home! => I know it's just an average game underneath, but the kids love them rabbids ;)


Dead Space Extraction => Since Umbrella Chronicles already broke the ice, why not?




My future Hopelist:


Monster Hunter 3 => Well, I'm usually no fan of Online games, but maybe this one changes everything?


Tatsunoko vs. Capcom => Not my favourite genre, but so totally over the top and from Capcom? I'll have a look!


Fragile => I love the setting and the art style and the atmosphere and it is confirmed for Europe! Yay! :D


Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles => Since Umbrella Chronicles got very close to a :thumbsup: from me, this one might just make it!


Samurai Heroes 3 => Hehe, Thank heavens Capcom Japan starts delivering again, putting an end to all the trash releases that the hopeless American office was cranking out...


Silent Hill => Most likely too scary for me, but I'm interested. Nurse! :D






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