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atari2600land's Blog - Back to the 2600


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I was looking at my VCS. Then it hit me. It started saying "Play me. And buy more games for me. You love that Virtual Boy more than you do me." So I plugged the VCS in and played some games: Midnight Magic, Jr. Pac-Man, Juno First, Video Pinball. Right now I'm listening to the theme from BMX Airmaster emanate through my TV's speakers. Last time I checked, I was stalled at 294 VCS games. So I made a goal: Get 300 by the end of the year. So I bought Mr. Do, so once that comes, I'll only need 5 to get to 300. I'll buy two more for November and three in December, so that'll be it for my online spending for the rest of the year, just those 5 more 2600 games. And I haven't forgotten about my catfish newsletter, the November issue will be online Sunday. And I made another themed crossword puzzle, so you can check it out if you like.



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