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Planet Bob - Playing Rocket Ranger (C64)


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Hi there!


Abandoning the C64 with style, Cinemaware bade farewell with Rocket Ranger:




Originally I missed this great C64 version, since at the time I already had an Amiga. I must admit I never got into it though, most likely because my version came without a manual :ponder: :lolblue:


Well, Rocket Ranger is a great continuation of Cinemas better earlier efforts. Further improving the tried and tested formula of Defender of the Crown and Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon, it adds some more varied action scenes and provides a better scripted movie scenario, while delivering another interesting map/strategy part and matching Cinemawares own superior audio-visual standards.


Rocket Ranger is keeping the player busy with rescuing damsels in distress, while he's single-handedly stopping the whole nazi empire of the 1940s along the way.


Unlike the first 5 Cinemaware games, Rocket Ranger takes not just one, but two hours to complete:




Sidenote: Roket Ranger marks the turning point of Cinemawares reception in my "Power Play" magazine collection, it was their first game that scored over 70%! (their second over 50% :ponder:)


Some future day the "Playing..." series may see another Cinemaware game in the form of "Lords of the Rising Sun", but first it'll continue with something else.






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