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mos6507's Blog - AtariVox is coming


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This is the first batch of 25 AtariVox boards earmarked for the 25th anniversary 7800 project.




All the boards are assembled. They still need to be individually tested, and I am 4 Speakjets shy. Also, I'm troubleshooting a custom startup speech line.


These are using the new PCB that Richard designed that I'm calling "AtariVox+" The + part is the ability to switch to VecVox or VecVoice mode. However, since these are meant to be installed internally in 7800s, I am hardwiring it for AtariVox.


Once these are done, the real AtariVox boards will get built. The AtariVox+ boards will all be black. The green ones you see here were the initial run of 20 boards that Richard made before handing it over to me.


More details to follow.



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