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atari2600land's Blog - Comix update


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Since my comic only updates once a week and no one reads it, I thought about calling it quits. But then, I got 17 new ideas for an old other series I used to do, a Far Side-type comic called "47 Meatballs." And so since I do the Sunday "Jessica" ones a month in advance, I have them queued until Dec. 6, so I've decided to ressurect "47 Meatballs" and have it as a companion piece to "Jessica" and run it Monday-Saturday, so now you'll have something to read every day now starting November 9. So, please do me a favor and starting Monday, read my comic daily. I won't guarantee you'll laugh (just like in The Far Side), but at least all my ideas won't have been in vain. Here's a link to my comics page, (which will have the November 1 strip up until November 8): my comics page.



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