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atari2600land's Blog - Salem Stuff


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I had a brilliant idea. I've been doing seperate things about things about Salem, Oregon on my website. Then a brilliant idea struck me: "Why not put them all together?" Thus, The Salem SuperSite was born! Old semi-interesting newspaper "clippings" (I did the actual clipping in Paint), a very comprehensive Salem-Area Transit section, and TV Week covers section are up now. I'm going to add a "Salem Food" section which will have Salem's restaurants, including the dearly-departed Bob's, and the still-with-us Rock 'N' Rogers. You might also be interested to know that national chain Figaro's Pizza is based in Salem, Oregon, and we also have a Kettle Chips factory that cranks out Kettle Chips on Kettle Way (an appropriate street name.) This trivia might also be included. So, if you've never eaten at Bob's, now you can virtually eat there.



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