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Mord's Blog - One hundred million billion dollars


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I was discussing/ranting to nobody in particular on irc about how I'd go about doing a colecovision cartridge release, to get an idea of how much money it'd cost me to pull it off, I ended the rant with:



[19:55] <Mord> then take a large gold brick and put it in as a bonus since by then the gold brick will be cheap compared to everything else that's gone into the design.

[19:56] <Mordiechu> but everyone will be going "ooo, gold brick. must buy~"


That aside, it'd still be fun to finally get around to finishing a game some day.


Currently working more on Maze Realms. Trying to fix the glitch when pushing against a wall and trying to exit the room. Currently in most cases you will get stuck unless you're leaving the left side. I'm not entirely sure why that's the case just yet but it's obviously something to do with the collision code.



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