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Hornpipe2's Blog - AtariLAN Party!


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Karate Master isn't dead, but it has been on hold for quite some time. I've run dry on motivation on this large project... just having a hard time finding direction for polish, now that the proof-of-concept is done. There is a lot of work to do before it's at a final state.


But I still like poking around with the 2600. So I'm starting a new secondary project, which hopefully should cater to my short attention span by providing a wide range of simultaneous outlets for coding. Based on this forum thread, now presenting...


AtariLAN Party!

a collection of 7 mini-games on a 16k cartridge. All the games are played with 4-8 players over a dumb cable plugged into Joystick Port 2 on each console. There's a wide range of applications for such a cable but I think as a real selling point, the first title should offer a lot of small games with wide appeal. Many are unashamed clones of top hits from the "Top 100 2600 games" thread, but now sporting more than 2 players. The complete list looks something like this (names and games subject to change):

  • Pong (8 players! paddles for all, and probably a special power-up on button press)
  • Combat (4 players, joysticks / Indy500 controllers ???)
  • Boat Race (4 players, Indy500 clone using joystick / Indy500 controllers ???)
  • "Base Defense" (4 players, joystick... like Rampart, a co-operative base defense game)
  • "Multiventure" (4 players, joystick... multi-screen co-operative dungeon crawl)
  • Battlezone or Flight Sim (4 players, joystick, first-person competitive shooter)
  • Tetris (4 players, joystick)

Wish me luck!



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