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atari2600land's Blog - Sit-down comic


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Well, how I draw my M-Sat comic is i take a 8.5x11 page and I draw six comics on it. Probably not how most single-panel cartoonists do it, but I like it that way. I usually draw them one at a time, keeping the paper in a safe place until I have six comics on it. Then I take the piece of paper with 6 comics on it, run it through the scanner, go into Paint and reduce the size by 75%. Then, I divide them into 6 seperate ones using Paint. If I'm doing my Sunday comic, then I reduce the size by 60% and then color it using PhotoShop. Coloring is a chore, so I don't like to do it, which is why I don't color the new M-Sat ones (that'd be way too much coloring for me), but it results in IMO a better-looking comic. I used to think that doing 6 Far-Side-style comics would be hard, but I actually don't find it very hard (although I do wonder how Gary Larson did it for 15 years!) If you'd like to check out my comics, the link is in my signature. I occasionally thumb through Gary Larson compilations for inspiration. I read about every comic on the comics page in the newspaper (except for Doonesbury, Prickly City, and Family Circus). I'm wondering how Blondie is still going after so many years. Sometimes I think that Garfield is a rip-off of Dagwood Bumstead's behavior. Also, I wonder why Jim Davis didn't ever make Garfield talk like how Grimm talks in Mother Goose and Grimm. OK, I think that's enough blog ramblings for one day.



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