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Planet Bob - Playing Phantis (C64)


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Hi there!


Another one of those rare games from Spain, this is probably more popular under the name "Game Over II":




As you can see above, at the time I'm writing this, you can see nothing. I'm clueless regarding what actually caused this, but something drained one gig worth of bandwidth from my webspace within just a few days. In a 'normal' month I'm getting nowhere near that limit...


Back to Phantis. It basically follows the template of the other games from Dinamic, so if you read the "Playing..." entries for Army Moves and Freddy Hardest you already know what to expect.


Again we get a 2 part multiload game, where the second half can only be accessed with a password you get after finishing the first. (Unless you have a hacked version of course ;))


The game starts with 3 levels of rather substandard horizontal shmupping. Think Gradius without extra weapons and boring enemies flying geometrical patterns. The third level looks a bit better, but plays just as lame. You're riding on some alien mount using a club to bash some barbarianesque looking bipedal aliens.


It gets better in the second load, which consistst of a small jump'n'shoot adventure. No Turrican or Metroid certainly, but at least a nice try :)


The end is surprisingly surprising, since it shows a spaceship flying away from a planet that's not exploding! :lol:


I'll spare you this, and instead use my chance of getting away with posting the loading picture of the game without risking a nipplegate:






Some future day the "Playing..." series may see another Dinamic game in the form of "Navy Moves", but first it'll continue with something else.






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