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How many of the 1984 launch games were programmed by GCC?


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So GCC did them all except the LucasFilm Games?


No. GCC did all of the launch titles that were ready to go in 1984 when the 7800 had a short test launch before the Tramiels pulled the rug out from under it for a couple of years. Games that came out later were done by a small variety of companies.

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I'm pretty sure GCC did Ballblazer and Rescue on Fractalus along with the other launch titles. Steve Golson talked about the development of both games in his 7800 20th Anniversary presentation with Curt Vendel, and I believe he even had a prototype of RoF.





That's what I'm confused about. That GCC 20th anniversary presentation did indeed give the impression that they were involved in programming it, but the instruction manual only mentions LucasFilm staff. Perhaps LucasFilm programmed it but since it was GCC's system, maybe they assisted or simply acted as consultants?



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I'm pretty sure GCC did Ballblazer and Rescue on Fractalus along with the other launch titles. Steve Golson talked about the development of both games in his 7800 20th Anniversary presentation with Curt Vendel, and I believe he even had a prototype of RoF.





That's what I'm confused about. That GCC 20th anniversary presentation did indeed give the impression that they were involved in programming it, but the instruction manual only mentions LucasFilm staff. Perhaps LucasFilm programmed it but since it was GCC's system, maybe they assisted or simply acted as consultants?




Maybe the credits in the manual were for the original version of Ballblazer rather than the 7800 port?

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...before the Tramiels pulled the rug out from under it for a couple of years.


Not entirely accurate. While all projects were frozen initially, the issue with the 7800 was regarding money and who owed GCC what for the MARIA, which was paid about 9 months later by Atari Corp. Pretty common over that time period, there was a lot of legal and financial questions back and forth on a number of properties and issues over that time period. Once that was cleared up and all issues settled, they actually were promoting the 7800 at the January '86 CES.

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