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atari2600land's Blog - 2600tris


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I changed the name of my game from "Tetris 2600" to "2600tris." I felt that naming it "Tetris 2600" would be infringing on the Tetris trademark. I went to the game store and saw a Super Scope 6 for the SNES for $40! Absolutely NO Atari stuff for the zillionth time. Looks as though someone bought the Lynx and Gates of Zendocon for $70. Then I went to Best Buy and got Space Invaders Extreme 2. It was only $20. It's too bad that stuff like "Where's Waldo?" and "Touchmaster 3" have to be $30. Why do they have to be so expensive? They have great deals sometimes, but most of the time Best Buy really isn't a best buy. I've decided to put New Super Mario Bros. Wii on my Christmas list instead of buying it myself. I've got to save some money so I can meet my 300 VCS games by the end of the year goal I have. We never took the Halloween lights down, I had no idea we looked so dorky! Luckily, hardly anyone sees it (we live at the end of a very long cul-de-sac), but this year I want to have the best Christmas light display in the whole place. The weekend after next the Christmas tree will be up. Can't believe the year went by so fast.



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