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atari2600land's Blog - New Super Mario Bros. Wii


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At first I thought the game was broken because it didn't play. Then I figured out that I had to get a Wii update. I don't know how it did it (it's not connected to the internet because I have no idea how to). I had to do it twice, though because when I finished it the first time i went to the Game channel and it said Wii Update again. I have never come across this before and am wondering why on earth they made it so you have to get updates to the system (the updates are free, so why bother?) Well, anyway, the game. The game is hard. It takes a while to adjust to the controls, but all in all, after my first half-hour playing it, I was able to beat world 1. A vast majority of my deaths have come from the castle/fortress levels, which are very hard compared to a game like Super Mario World or something. And there isn't enough Yoshi in world 1. The game gets very confusing at times (do I really have to save the toad from the goombas? Why did I die?), but I guess I should read the instruction booklet. ;) So if you're a fan of New Super Mario Bros. for the DS, it's a good game. Hard at times, but good.



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