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Mord's Blog - Maze Realms (v0.020)


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Ok, this should do for another micro-version. ;)


In this version I've redone the status bar. In this game the only things it will need is the player's magic/power bar, so I've removed the extra things. The color of the status bar (the blue part) will actually serve a purpose to indicate to the player when they step into a magic field. I'll be changing the default color to probably a gray color to indicate the absence of a magic field. This will be a function of room AI which I will be adding in a bit later. Also, I backported the cycle 73 HMOVE code I wrote for the new Action RPG code base which allows me to pull off the status bar's repositioning without the ugly h-bars. :) One sprite is repositioned right before the start of the power bar, the second is repositioned immediately following it. I do notice the gate of the castle seems to be moved. I don't recall changing it's coordinates in the init code so I'm guessing there's an issue with using the cycle 73 code. I'll look into that more and hopefully have it figured out and fixed by the next version.


The status bar overall is vertically more compact because of these changes. This means the game field can be larger, which is something I've been meaning to do since before v0.018.


Otherwise, all the other changes in the code are are speed optimizations. In some cases I only trimmed a few cycles off. In others I found entirely different ways to do things or realized a couple things were entirely pointless! (I use to zero both hardware sprites at the end of each frame up until now. Not necessary since if I just point their ItemSlot to FF, the code assumes they're empty.)


I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do in the next version. It's a toss up between re-adjusting/re-naming the item slots or redoing the room loader. Either of those two options will probably be time consuming.






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