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atari2600land's Blog - My ramblings on the subscription idea


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So they want to make me pay to continue using the site. 99% of my time on the internet is spent here, it looks like i'll have to fork over dough. Great. Just when the economy is bad, along comes a pay site that I need to use. That's not to say the site is great, it is, but it would be a major bummer if I have to spend money in order to use a website. I guess it shouldn't come as a total shock, as nothing is free anymore, so why not pay? I don't know, I am so disappointed that AA can't handle being free any more, but given the current status of the global economy: #1 - it would probably be typical that AA would need money, but #2 - it's kind of ironic that everyone else needs money, too. This, and my dog being sick, and the Blazers about to lose and the rain makes this a really crappy day.



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