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Gaming With Rogmeister - My First 2009 Game Purchase (Okay, Second)


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Believe it or not, I hadn't bought a video game this year until this week. I used to buy video games left and right (as most gamers do) but I decided to cut way back a year or so ago. I had actually received 3 games a few months back. A fellow gamer over at Retrogaming Roundtable sent me 3 games after I got out of the hospital...he sent me a PS1 game (Mega Man X4) and a pair of PS2 games (Mobile Light Force 2 and Unison) but he never included his name in the package though I have an inkling who it was. But I had not purchased a game for myself until recentlyl. The game I wound up buying is one I've thought of buying since I first heard about it a year or so ago and I happened to look it up at Amazon.com recently, found out it was being sold as low as $10 via their Marketplace sellers, and ordered a copy and it arrived yesterday. The game is Tomb Raider: Anniversary for the PS2. I believe this is a reworking of the first Tomb Raider game (originally published on the PS1) with improved graphics and I look forward to playing it. I do not expect this to begin a new surge of game-buying...it's one of those rare occurences though I could see a new purchase or two in the coming months. But this might well be my only game purchase for 2009. :cool:


After I wrote the above, I happened to glance at my older entries and I see that I actually had bought at least one other video game this year...a pinball compilation for the PS2 which I bought back in February. But as far as I know, that's it...so I think I have now bought 2 video games in 2009. That's still cutting back quite a bit from what I used to buy.



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