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atari2600land's Blog - Annoying dog


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Followers of my blog may have read that my dog is sick. Now it's gotten worse. The poor thing can't walk any more. And mom refuses to put him out of his misery. It's not that I'd be happy that the dog would be dead, I'd be happy because he'd no longer be suffering. Mom can't realize that my dog needs to be euthanized. Right now he's laying in my room panting as I type this. Mom has been taking the dog to the vet a lot lately but the one thing that keeps angering me is that she comes home with the dog. He spends most of the time asleep anyway, so WHY NOT?! When mom comes home, she's going to take a look at him and maybe realize that he needs to go to the vet. I swear, if she goes to the vet tomorrow and comes home with the dog, I'm going to kill myself.



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