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The ultimate Atari 5200 controller?


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Well I pretty much got this idea when I saw the Wii "Nunchuk" the first time and from then on it kept lingering in my mind...


So now I decided to hone my MS Paint skills again and make a picture of my idea:


What do you think?


Please keep in mind, I don't plan to make a mod like that, and neither do I claim I would be able to. In fact I'm almost completely untalented regarding stuff like that. ;) However, from what I understand my idea isn't all that far fetched.


Also I think actually playing the 5200 with this could very well be awesome :cool:

Edited by Herbarius
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What is the controller on the right? (Sorry, if it's after DreamCast, I have no clue).

Its the wii Nunchuk, as stated in the opening sentence.


Well, I don't think it's obvious that what was pictured was the Wii Nunchuk. The device he came up with could have been inspired by the Wii Nunchuk without that part actually being a Wii Nunchuk. It could have been something else.


But thanks for the answer.

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Yes, maybe I should have clarified.

I used an image of the black version of the Nunchuk for better aestethics, if it had been the regular white one it propably would have been more obvious.


The Nunchuk has, as you can see in the picture, an analog thumbstick and also, not that visible, two buttons. The Keyboard Controller then is for the numerical buttons, I thought you'd put that on a table, on your lap or next to you on the couch, while holding the Nunchuk in your hand. On the plus side, you can hold it in either your right or left hand, the other hand remains free for the keypad.

Naturally this wouldn't make use of the motion sensors also included in the Nunchuk.

Edited by Herbarius
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Well, no, sorry, my fault. I still wouldn't have known even had it been white. I could have Googled "Wii Nunchuk", but I thought you were just saying you were inspired by it and took 2 different controllers to make it look like the Wii Nunchuk.


I guess I really should look at a gaming system made after 1998! :)


I think it looks really cool. I wish someone would build this, or make plans for it so people could make them. I have no problem with the 5200's stock controllers, but this looks like it could be even better.

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Mhh, I just realized I forgot about the Start/Pause/Reset buttons... :sad:


Okay, so here the updated picture:





Nice idea... I'd like to see a Jaguar controller modded to work on the 5200.





i too would love a jag controller with the 5200 but it has a digital pad u,d,l,r which should be doable with a redemption adapter and a proper adapter to convert the 15 pin plug to an 8 pin atari standard and the top row of the atari 5200 15 pin plug but am not sure if the redemtion digital controller adapter has a provision for a second fire button be it omega race style 7800 style or sega master system style


just need some way to get a second fire button to work


i'm confused how you would like it would you like the button arangement the 2 select buttons in the middle be start and reset and have the 3rd fire button be pause


there are so many ways it could go but i sure as heck would want to keep reset (and start cause it sometimes acts like a reset)as far away from action buttons as humanly possible and some games pause is not active anyway


hell who ever uses pause the only times ive ever wanted to use it it was disabled in the game




i sure woulnd want to control the game with just one chuck i wouldnt know what to do with my other hand swing one of these while i'm playing moon patrol?


Edited by bohoki
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Mhh, I just realized I forgot about the Start/Pause/Reset buttons... :sad:


Okay, so here the updated picture:




You can actually use the keyboard controller unmodified (just removing a resistor) and wiring it to A5200 keypad pinouts and replace the middle column with the start/pause/reset. Most games don't use middle column of numbers.

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hell who ever uses pause the only times ive ever wanted to use it it was disabled in the game



Actually, pause comes in handy if you are trying to go for some high score and you need a break. Sometimes, you need to stretch or some phone call comes or whatever.


Also, good for taking snapshots with camera.

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