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made another 5200 controller


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well not exactly made but converted its the epyx 500 for the nes it has 2 buttons and a couple other buttons it was broken so i cut all the traces and wired it up with 240k resistors it took me like 3 hours since i had to come up with a way to convert the right and down as a nc button instead of a no button i settled on using aluminum tape with a bit of wire wrapped around it


it works pretty darn good but i forgot to put in an additional 10k since 240k +240k =480 and from my last experiences popeye and gyruss seem to really want 500k to trigger down(maybe its my system)

i didnt use potentiometers this time so no adjustments just plug and play


works great with digdug,packman,mspacman,riverraid,galaxian,pitfall2


once again this type of controller is not for missile command,gorf,superbreakout,starwars,kaboom

or any games that "need" the keypad





it was broken and wouldnt work on my nes also i found the little flex button traceconnecting to start was broken and basically unfixable so select is now "start"


i use 8 conductor network wire that gives enough conductors for V,H pot commmon,button one, button 2,button ground,it leaves 2 more wires for pin 4 and pin 7 to hit start

Edited by bohoki
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well not exactly made but converted its the epyx 500 for the nes it has 2 buttons and a couple other buttons it was broken so i cut all the traces and wired it up with 240k resistors it took me like 3 hours since i had to come up with a way to convert the right and down as a nc button instead of a no button i settled on using aluminum tape with a bit of wire wrapped around it


it works pretty darn good but i forgot to put in an additional 10k since 240k +240k =480 and from my last experiences popeye and gyruss seem to really want 500k to trigger down(maybe its my system)

i didnt use potentiometers this time so no adjustments just plug and play


works great with digdug,packman,mspacman,riverraid,galaxian,pitfall2


once again this type of controller is not for missile command,gorf,superbreakout,starwars,kaboom

or any games that "need" the keypad





it was broken and wouldnt work on my nes also i found the little flex button traceconnecting to start was broken and basically unfixable so select is now "start"


i use 8 conductor network wire that gives enough conductors for V,H pot commmon,button one, button 2,button ground,it leaves 2 more wires for pin 4 and pin 7 to hit start



finally got a wico wow it works pretty darn good mine is a bit jittery with missile command but works just fine with say popeye and other games its real fun with gyruss


it does have a lot of throw when playing far left to far right is about 5 inches movement on the top of the shaft

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I would probably love this one. The Epyx joystick was by far my favorite 2600 joystick of all time when I was younger.




i think i may be going overboard on controllers but it is just so fun trying out a new design





the epyx works decent i hotglued the end too soon i went back melted some off so i could add a 15 pin male to use the keypad /start,pause,reset of a 5200 joy


the wico is very nice it doesnt feel like it has the same corners that kind of trap a 5200 standard

its really too bad the company didnt make this same joystick for the ibm they made one in white for the apple


internally it uses the same button contacts as their arcade components


the epyx conversion was quite tricky but if anyone would like to buy a nes 500xj and give it a try i'll hapily write up instructions


but basically the theory of operation is just like the others using right and down switches in a NC mode


each switch is bridged with a 240k resistor and i used a 15k on the pot common to bring up the max resistance on right and down 495k i used all identical resistors since it is just easier to assemble but i would recommend using 270k or higher(up to 1 meg) cause i got 2 games that just act weird and want right and down in the 500k zone popeye and gyruss


i was playing countermeasure after i rigged up the pad plug so i could press L,E,O and works just swell and you can really see the 5200 auto calibration in action it acts out of controll but one round waggle and all works good


not sure which number i should give this project might be mark 6 or 7 ?

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