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atari2600land's Blog - More 5th Generation fun


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So, I was going to go to Best Buy to get a DVD-VCR combo, when my mom said that i should probably wait and see if it goes on sale first and if it doesn't, then buy it. So instead, we went to the used video game store (called Game Crazy, but it's not the national chain, it's a local outfit with two locations: S. Salem and Lancaster. There used to be a Keizer one, but it sadly closed.) Well, anyway, I ended up reigniting my N64 love and bought Space Invaders. I also have planned ahead and I want to get Rat Attack next week. And I am going to start a N64 e-zine (which probably won't be read by very much of you) called, you'll love the title, "N64 Magazine." Yes, this monthly e-zine will have at least one review a month until I have reviewed all the N64 games I can get my hands on. The first issue I will post on January 1, 2010. Can you believe it? We're almost into the teens. Just one more month to go. My mom put up some more Christmas lights over the weekend, but I still want to get a reindeer. She says we have the most impressive display in the whole place so far, and she should know because she goes for walks around the neighborhood, not at night, but you can see if people have put lights up or not, you know. My favorite game of all time is Mario Kart 64. I have loved that game since the first day I had it (which is probably the first day it came out, which I think was in February of 1997). Mario Kart DS and Mario Kart Wii have come close, as well as some Atari 2600 titles and Tetris, but I'm crazy.





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