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s0c7's Blog - Programming from Scratch


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Not much going on with me these days Atari-wise. I have a few things in the back of my mind, but all would probably require a year or more commitment which I just don't have time for at the moment.


However, I am having a lot of fun watching my son learn the basics of programming. I've been thinking for some time about what the appropriate way to introduce him to programming would be and I think I've found it:




I downloaded Scratch and wrote a couple of small example programs for him to look at. By the next day he was writing pretty complex apps all on his own (multiple objects on the screen all interacting with each other and the user). If you have kids or just want to play around with something cool (adults use it too) have a look. For those with programming backgrounds, it's kind of like pseudocode reinvented as a Lego set.



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