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7800 Rampage - what a pleasant surprise!


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Just landed a copy of this after all this time and am floored by how well the game plays. Graphics are just about NES quality and you can play as Ralph too (unlike the NES version). I've always been a fan of the original arcade game and World Tour to a lesser extent. Sound is pretty darn good considering, but it's the gameplay that really shines here. You don't often here about this game in 7800 circles. Is that because it's rather rare, people don't care for the game or what? I wish Activision had made more titles for this system back in the day.

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Just landed a copy of this after all this time and am floored by how well the game plays. Graphics are just about NES quality and you can play as Ralph too (unlike the NES version). I've always been a fan of the original arcade game and World Tour to a lesser extent. Sound is pretty darn good considering, but it's the gameplay that really shines here. You don't often here about this game in 7800 circles. Is that because it's rather rare, people don't care for the game or what? I wish Activision had made more titles for this system back in the day.


Wow - glad you like. I actually found it disappointing. Thought the monsters looked like muppet babies, the buildings were needlessly simple in detail and the sound cut in and out.


As far as arcade games went, I thought COMMANDO was to epitome of good conversion on the 7800.

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As far as arcade games went, I thought COMMANDO was to epitome of good conversion on the 7800.


Yeah, would like to get that one next actually. I remember playing a lot of Commando on the NES though back in the day. Have Ikari Warriors and it seems slow & tedious to me, although I do think it's a great conversion and definitely one of the better 7800 arcade-type conversions. Is Commando a little more "fun" than Ikari would you say? At least Ikari features 2-player simultaneous play...

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As far as arcade games went, I thought COMMANDO was to epitome of good conversion on the 7800.


Yeah, would like to get that one next actually. I remember playing a lot of Commando on the NES though back in the day. Have Ikari Warriors and it seems slow & tedious to me, although I do think it's a great conversion and definitely one of the better 7800 arcade-type conversions. Is Commando a little more "fun" than Ikari would you say? At least Ikari features 2-player simultaneous play...



Ikari Warriors was never ported well to any console. If you have ever played the arcade game with the proper controls anything else is just too much like a Commando clone. If someone could hack Ikari to use a rotary contoller/spinner that would be fantastic. The Sears Video Arcade II controllers would work great, but I am not sure if the paddle and joystick can be used simultaneously. A man can dream though.

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Ikari Warriors was never ported well to any console. If you have ever played the arcade game with the proper controls anything else is just too much like a Commando clone. If someone could hack Ikari to use a rotary contoller/spinner that would be fantastic. The Sears Video Arcade II controllers would work great, but I am not sure if the paddle and joystick can be used simultaneously. A man can dream though.


Oh yes, I know what you mean - all things considered though, I think the ports are okay. Yeah, the rotary knob with the guys arm swinging about ala Tron MCP style would greatly enhance the home versions. Considering what they had to work with... though I do have one complaint about firing on those games: I believe your man should have the option of standing still and firing in all 8 directions. Most ports of Robotron and especially the Jaguar's version of Total Carnage suffer because of that one simple gameplay aspect that should have been an option at least.

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I bought it from Sears when it came out along with double dragon. My mother apparently wasn't a fan (shock just last year by the people eating thing) I know it was returned to the store for some reason, why i can't recall. I may have wanted another game (and Sears had that customer satisfaction policy back in the day... making it a good 'rental' store) :D



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Ikari Warriors was never ported well to any console. If you have ever played the arcade game with the proper controls anything else is just too much like a Commando clone. If someone could hack Ikari to use a rotary contoller/spinner that would be fantastic. The Sears Video Arcade II controllers would work great, but I am not sure if the paddle and joystick can be used simultaneously. A man can dream though.


Oh yes, I know what you mean - all things considered though, I think the ports are okay. Yeah, the rotary knob with the guys arm swinging about ala Tron MCP style would greatly enhance the home versions. Considering what they had to work with... though I do have one complaint about firing on those games: I believe your man should have the option of standing still and firing in all 8 directions. Most ports of Robotron and especially the Jaguar's version of Total Carnage suffer because of that one simple gameplay aspect that should have been an option at least.


7800 Robotron is dual joystick compatible. I believe Total Carnage on the Jag has some similar control option.

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7800 Robotron is dual joystick compatible. I believe Total Carnage on the Jag has some similar control option.


Yeah and that helps, but guess I'm just talking about a single stick option built into the programming of the game. You know, like having the option to run while firing or not.


But that 2 joystick scenario... too bad 2600 Crazy Climber wasn't designed to accommodate that for those of us with the dual joystick holder :( Besides Spy Hunter and Riddle of the Sphinx, what else between 2600/Jag/A8 supports 2 joys? Battlezone would be nice that way too...

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I think Rampage for the 7800 is a pretty decent effort for the console but its by no stretch a better port than the NES version. I'm waiting on a copy for the Tandy Color Computer 3 which is pretty decent and I believe allows 3 players at a time (2 joystick, one on the keyboard). If only it would arrive. I'm having problems getting any communication from the owners of the cloud 9 website. :x

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I think Rampage for the 7800 is a pretty decent effort for the console but its by no stretch a better port than the NES version. I'm waiting on a copy for the Tandy Color Computer 3 which is pretty decent and I believe allows 3 players at a time (2 joystick, one on the keyboard). If only it would arrive. I'm having problems getting any communication from the owners of the cloud 9 website. :x



The Tandy one is awesome! I wish I still had it to give you. Graphics are great too!

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I think Rampage for the 7800 is a pretty decent effort for the console but its by no stretch a better port than the NES version. I'm waiting on a copy for the Tandy Color Computer 3 which is pretty decent and I believe allows 3 players at a time (2 joystick, one on the keyboard). If only it would arrive. I'm having problems getting any communication from the owners of the cloud 9 website. :x



The Tandy one is awesome! I wish I still had it to give you. Graphics are great too!


Hi Drac. Yea I hope my Cloud 9 problems are ironed out. I got an email that its FINALLY been shipped. Paid Oct. 26th. There's a Rampage, Arkanoid, Clowns and Balloons, and a spare coco 3 keyboard. There are a few other coco 3 games I'm on the lookout for like Mindroll, Rad Warrior, Sokoban, Predator, Robocop, and Tetris


Sorry to highjack the thread. :(

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7800 Robotron is dual joystick compatible. I believe Total Carnage on the Jag has some similar control option.


Yeah and that helps, but guess I'm just talking about a single stick option built into the programming of the game. You know, like having the option to run while firing or not.


But that 2 joystick scenario... too bad 2600 Crazy Climber wasn't designed to accommodate that for those of us with the dual joystick holder :( Besides Spy Hunter and Riddle of the Sphinx, what else between 2600/Jag/A8 supports 2 joys? Battlezone would be nice that way too...


There is a Battlezone hack fow two sticks


Raiders of the Lost Ark uses 2 sticks.

Also Stargate

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This game has that "Atari" feel, and I don't really mean that as a compliment. Limited animation, garish colors, simplistic artwork... it's every bit as much a reflection of the flaws of its host system as the NES version of Rampage. Its game had characters squeezed inside tiny sprite boxes, monotonous tiling, and a dark, dreary color palette. I hate to sound like a Master System fan here, because I'm definitely not, but I think that version of Rampage is hands down the best of the three. Big, meaty sprites! Colorful artwork! Meticulous detail! It's worlds apart from the other ports, and shockingly close to the arcade game.

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Ikari Warriors and it seems slow & tedious to me, although I do think it's a great conversion and definitely one of the better 7800 arcade-type conversions. Is Commando a little more "fun" than Ikari would you say? At least Ikari features 2-player simultaneous play...

Commando is far easier and more fun to play than Ikari Warriors. Although I do like Ikari Warriors on the 7800 and prefer it over the NES version. Commando can hardly be compared to Ikari IMO. The controls are nice, the animation is smooth, the sound is good, etc. etc. It's always been one of my favorite games for the 7800 and one I was proud to show to friends. I never even knew about the POW camps until a few days ago, so finding out about those made it like a whole new game to me.


As for Rampage, I was very disapointed in both the 7800 and 2600 versions. I used to drool, (not literally), over this game when I was a kid looking at pictures of it in the Sears catalog. I wasn't able to find a copy for either system until the mid 90's. I felt there was no excuse for the simplistic buildings and round teddy bear characters that all look nearly identical. This game is one of the reasons I've always wanted to someday learn to program for the 7800. I'd like to make a better looking version. Hopefully someone will decide to do this because I may never get around to developing the skills. All that said, the gameplay is fine and I do prefer it over the NES version. It has all the major features, but the Master System version is FAR superior to any other home version I've played. Rampage on the Lynx is my overall farorite (even over the arcade), but I'm not counting that as a home system.

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This game has that "Atari" feel, and I don't really mean that as a compliment. Limited animation, garish colors, simplistic artwork... it's every bit as much a reflection of the flaws of its host system as the NES version of Rampage. Its game had characters squeezed inside tiny sprite boxes, monotonous tiling, and a dark, dreary color palette. I hate to sound like a Master System fan here, because I'm definitely not, but I think that version of Rampage is hands down the best of the three. Big, meaty sprites! Colorful artwork! Meticulous detail! It's worlds apart from the other ports, and shockingly close to the arcade game.


Yes, very true. I just started collecting for the SMS recently and Rampage, being one of my favorite arcade games, was tops on my list and boy I wasn't disappointed. Excellent port, probably the best. When I get my coco 3 version I'm going to compare the sms, nes, and coco 3 ports.

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This game has that "Atari" feel, and I don't really mean that as a compliment. Limited animation, garish colors, simplistic artwork... it's every bit as much a reflection of the flaws of its host system as the NES version of Rampage.



This would suggest that the 7800 Rampage couldn't be substantially improved upon. To me, this smacks of a "rushed effort" done by a no-name software house on a tight budget. ;-)


I agree that the SMS (and CoCo3) versions are awesome. I disagree that the NES or 7800 versions were the best they could be.

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I believe Total Carnage on the Jag has some similar control option.

Unfortunately not, you have the option of using the keypad or the extra pro controller buttons (only three way firing). It's a shame that two pad control didn't make it in, as its probably the best port of the game ever made for home systems.

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Rampage for the Atari 7800 was a blast to play for me when I was younger with my friends in the 1990 to 1991 time frame. Rampage was a fun game to me back than as I didn't own a sms or a nes at the time.


The 7800 version of Rampage isn't as bad as the Nes version was, but I felt the Sms version is the best version I ever played since I bought it 10 years ago for the Sms.

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