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Cuttle Cart II Menu Question


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Is it possible to generate a text file from a compiled menu file? I lost the text file I used to create my CC menu file in a computer crash a few months ago. Thankfully I had the compiled menu file on my CC still, but I need to turn that back into a text file so I edit it again. Is this possible?



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Is it possible to generate a text file from a compiled menu file? I lost the text file I used to create my CC menu file in a computer crash a few months ago. Thankfully I had the compiled menu file on my CC still, but I need to turn that back into a text file so I edit it again. Is this possible?




You should be able to it though I've never tried. You would need to add a line break every 64 characters.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's my Classic Mac OS implementation for anybody who may be interested. It will convert a compiled Cuttle Cart II menu file (*.CC2) into its text counterpart and can handle multiple files at once. Just drag and drop one or multiple CC2 menu files onto either the application icon or its open window.



-This app is "dumb". It assumes it is working with a compiled .CC2 menu file so please don't feed it anything else. If there is any interest at all I'll be happy to polish it up. :)


-Can handle multiple files via drag and drop only. If you use the 'Open' command you can only select one file.


-May or may not leak memory. This hasn't been extensively tested. Use at your own risk but know that the author has confidently used it on his production Mac without fear of lost data. :)


-Hasn't been tested in Classic mode but its counterpart program, (which compiles text files into menu files and shares much of the same code) has and works wonderfully.


Enjoy! And if I ever get off my butt and blow the dust off my Mac OS X programming books maybe I'll churn out a more modern version. :lol:


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Oops. It says that it doesn't like my 64-bit operating system. I'll have to try this at work next year. :)





Damn Microsoft. Nice 32-bit compatability they have :ponder:


Sorry about that. I can write one in C# if you haven't resolved this already.


Or, just send me the menu.cc2 and I'll run it here.



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Okay I had some down time and felt like coding. I present...


CC2MenuBuddy for Mac OS 9!


- Compiles tab-delimited text menu files to into menus formatted for Cuttle Cart II (*.CC2 files).

- Also converts *.CC2 files back into human-readable text files.

- Supports drag and drop

- Runs in Classic mode on Mac OS X 10.4 and earlier (or for masochists like me, any old Mac running Mac OS 9 or earlier)


Drag and drop one or multiple menu files (text or .CC2, doesn't matter. Mix 'em up!) onto the application icon or its open window.


Just make sure that the files you feed it have the appropriate extensions (text files have the .TXT extension and compiled menu files have the .CC2 extension). The CC2MenuBuddy will take care of everything from there.


My holiday gift to the one or two people still using Mac OS 9. :)


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