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atari2600land's Blog - sNOw


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I stayed up until 4 am last night waiting for it to snow. It never did. I was tracking the Weather Channel's Weatherscan, watching various patches of snow clouds missing us. And now, it's supposed to be sunny and cold. The high isn't supposed to be above freezing for a few days, while the lows are going to dip into the teens. I feel sorry for poor mom, when she goes to work in the morning it's supposed to be 20! Well, after I went to bed at 4am I woke up at 2pm, getting in my daily 10 hrs. of sleep! They say it might snow this upcoming weekend, so let's hope they're right. I've also been busy working on 2600tris. If anyone has any suggestions for it, post them in its thread in the homebrew forum.



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