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atari2600land's Blog - Power outage


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At about 10 last night the power went out. It's not a good thing when a.) You're awake at 10pm and b.) it's below freezing outside. So we called in the power outage with the cell phone and I played my Virtual Boy in the dark for about a half-hour when I grew tired of it, so I decided to go to sleep. Good thing, too, because it was about 2am when the power came back on. I would have had to stay awake for 4 hours! I was wrapped in blankets and not thinking I would fall asleep, fell asleep on the couch in total darkness. Man I was so happy when it came back in, but this marks the second time this year this has happened (and it happened on Christmas week last year). Maybe the power company should update their equipment so this doesn't happen quite so often!



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