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Just got a Competition Pro Joystick


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Ok, so I finally got around to "attempting" to calibrate my 5200. I stuck in the Missle Command cartridge and the pointer is already DEAD CENTER in the screen. So if this means that my 5200 is already calibrated correctly, what else can I do about the Left + Up or Down not working as good as it should? Would I need a diagnostic cart for more accurate calibration?

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Ack! it looks like my time limit to edit ran out while I was typing the edit.


Well, here's what I've done: I stuck in Popeye, (since that was the game that was giving me problems to begin with), and adjusted the pot till the control going up and down stairs in both directions "felt" right. Then I stuck back in Missle Command and the cursor was still in the center of the screen. However, if I move the digital joystick in all directions, the cursor relaxes to the upper left corner. If I then press reset and start on the other controller, the cursor is again in the center of the screen. I had to turn the pot way more than I expected that I should. It's about a 1/4 turn counter clockwise from where it was.



Maybe that's normal, but it just doesn't seem like it should be right. Popeye is at least feeling good now. Could I not use a multimeter to calibrate this accurately? If so, what values should I be shooting for? I thought I read something about that in the service manual before, but if it's there, I can't seem to find it now.


Would someone be willing to put together a diagnostic cart for me? I don't yet have an EPROM programmer.

Edited by KevinMos3
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I still need answers to the questions in my last post. Popeye and Keystone Kapers feel good, but Countermeasure is still virtually unplayable with the digital stick. I'd like to get this resolved. Multimeter or Diagnostic Cart?



every time i play countermeasure it acts weird till i do a complete circle with the stick then it seems to act properly

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Are you sure you just don't have your analog stick centered properly? I never had issues with my Competition Pro, nor have I had to ever adjust the pots inside the 5200. Only problems I've ever had were when the analog stick wasn't centered exactly, then that would interfere with the Comp Pro until I centered it up.

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Here are the carts I have duplicates of:





Dig Dug



Missle Command


Pole Position



Star Raiders


Would any of these be good candidates to turn into a Diagnostic Cart?

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