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atari2600land's Blog - The Legend of Helga: Day 2


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Well, after wrestling with the code for a few hours, I finally (with help) got the title screen to toggle between two choices: New Game and Load Game. The guys on Planet virtual Boy say that coding progress saves is easy, so I'm going ahead with my project here, even though it can only be played with an emulator (i don't know if you can burn it onto a cart with a battery, like Virtual Boy Wario Land. I wonder if you can erase battery data on Virtual Boy cartridges and make your own.) I need to write the opening intro sequence and put some pretty pictures in. I have no idea what either Helga or Pink look like, so if someone can design some sprites so I can make pictures, that'd be excellent! I do know that Error from Link's Adventure (LoZ 2 - NES) will be making a major appearance in this game. I really want to fit him in somewhere, but I don't know where quite yet. Oh, and I'm thinking about maybe changing the name of Orginflatz to Ganondork, to be more in line with the parody. I have decided that the four pieces of the Quadriforce represent the four elements of the earth: Air, water, earth, and fire. Maybe have a boss represent the four elements (i.e. a fiery boss guarding the fire piece.)



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