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On December 17, 2010, Disney will release Tron: Legacy.


Yes... I'm looking forward to this. :D


I'm posting about it now, because Disney just released a teaser poster, and a couple of publicity stills.


And so you don't have to dig them up elsewhere, and because I like to laugh in the face of "cease and desist" orders, and because I need an excuse to pull my blog back off of "Page 2"... here are the pics:




"The Game Has Changed"




Olivia Wilde and Garrett Hedlund




Garrett Hedlund, Jeff Bridges and Olivia Wilde


And check out the awesome nerdwear:



It glows in the dark!


I'm hoping they get Tron: Legacy right. I'm a little concerned that the look of the characters (so far) seems a little too real-world and slick. But once they get all of the post-production work done, we'll get to see what the movie really looks like. Besides, what really matters in a movie like this is the special effects video game references plot.


Oh, and by the way... Jeff Bridges has a very cool website. It's quite unlike anything I've seen other celebrities do (and makes me more than a little ashamed that I'm not drawing nearly as much as he is). Scroll down this page for his Tron links. (He even linked to the Tron Reboot parodies on YouTube.)


And in completely unrelated news, except that it has to do with a celebrity linking to a YouTube parody of themselves...


Recent Grammy Nominee "Weird Al" Yankovic put up a link on his webpage to this guy, who does a spot-on impression of Al:




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