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Repair a PnP 50 in one?


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Well, I was at the flea the other day, and spied a box that said "50 in one game system" yeah, one of those PnP systems. Looks like a fat version of a GC controller or something. Anyhow, it was like $2 with the box and instructions. I figured, why not? If it's cool, I'll keep it, if not, I'll hack it for an atari controller or sell it on ebay or something.


Anyhow, get it home, put some batteries in it, plug it into the TV and turn it on, and am greeted by a weird off colored image and some REALLY fuzzy music. I turn it off, and back on, same thing. I pull the video plug, the music instantly clears up perfectly, plug video back in, back to fuzz and a crappy image. Pull the audio, and the barely audible sound coming out of the thing dies, but the static fuzz sound is still there.


Anyhow, beyond that, I can push the button to start (which goes to an unviewable menue) and push start again, and it selects the first game, "Super Fighter" I jack wiht that a while, it's actually kinda fun, despite being hard to see and the fuzz being really annoying.


Anyhow, as I said, it's broke I guess, it only cost $2, but is it worth fixing? How hard would it to be? Any Ideas what might be wrong with it? Or should I just sell it as a "limited edition rare wow look" on ebay ( :P Joking ) Or hack it for a controller?


Anyh help would be appreciated, thanks!

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It could be a power supply problem.


I have one of those and while it does not work very well on batteries, it does work fine with an adaptor. Unfortunately, mine is packed away at the moment, so I cannot provide the specs.


Is there any possibility it is a PAL device?


$2 is a fair price; I paid closer to $5. :)

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Heh, it's probably one of those NOAC, it didn't come with a power adapter, or even have a plug for one, but odly, when I tried it in my room, it seems to work fine. But I did have it pluged into an LCD in there, and it was direct, instead of the old Tube I had it pluged into through a switch box. Maybe it didn't like the switchbox? Got shook around enough to jiggle something or something. I 'll probably go home today and have it not work again though :P


Anyhow, cool device, it's got a $10 sticker on it, I suppose that's what it originaly cost, but it could be a yardsale sticker or something.


Thanks for the info though guys!

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