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atari2600land's Blog - More Game Gear!


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With the purchase of my Game Gear yesterday, I have been loving it even more than when I had that other one. Remember that N64 e-zine I was going to start? Well, it's now a Game Gear one. Issue one is completed, I just have to wait until January 1 to release it (It's the January 2010 one). And remember when I said it might snow? It didn't. They say it's going to tonight, but it probably won't again. But that's OK, since I have a Game Gear! And I don't even have to worry about running out of batteries since I have an AC adapter, which is majorly cool because of all the batteries and money I'm saving. If you were to ask me my favorite game so far, I'd really have to say Super Columns. Yep, good ol' Super Columns.





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