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atari2600land's Blog - Fire Pro Wrestling


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It's back! GBA Chronogaming is back! Seeing as how this is from BAM! Entertainment, which has a lousy track record, I was expecting a lousy game. And that is exactly what I got. It could have been a contender, but instead, with the difficulty setting on ONE, I was being wiped on the floor. This didn't last three minutes until I turned it off in disgust. The CPU opponent was kicking me, punching me and outright beating me up. Sure, I got a few kicks in (or did I? I couldn't tell.) but I suck at this game. One thing I can say is that the music and graphics are good for a launch title, but if the play control is lousy, does that really matter? I think I'll leave professional wrestling to the professionals.


Next Up: F-Zero: Maximum Velocity.



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