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Planet Bob - A Short Story


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Gabriel the First


He was a natural teleporter. The day after the disasterous Copenhagen Climate Conference something inside him exploded. He decided to singlehandedly fix what's wrong on this planet, once and for all! Never before had he realized that he was in fact able to change the world. Probably because no media dared to ever fully explore the true potential of a teleporter.


It took him about 5 minutes to plan. He just printed out a list of state leaders from the internet, like someone else would print out a shopping list:




Within 24 hours he killed every person on the list. At first he visited the ones he thought to be the more difficult or dangerous ones to do, like the President of the United States or Kim Jong-il, but he quickly realized that nothing on this planet could stop him anyway.


After the first 2 dozen kills he even stopped worrying about the place the target was located or the time it was in a particular country. Some died at home, some in public places, some in bed, some in their cars or even in their planes.


His last action was teleporting straight into a CNN studio. "I am Gabriel the First, he declared into the cameras. I grant this world another year to set up a new Climate Conference and to do it right this time."


Then he just disappeared. The world held its breath.



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