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Well, I just added another episode 17 to A Bird and a Sign. And I have a title for episode 18: "The Amnesia Episode." For those of you who never read my comics, you should really read this one because I type in the words instead of write them (starting with #15). These are a bit different: They read like a comic book. A really short comic book. Each episode is only 6 pages long. The series is about a bird who sits on a sign in the middle of the desert while weird things happen to them. It's kind of like Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Well, anyway, this makes 13 episodes this year. I'm going to wait on doing #18 until next year. (I want to have at least one idea in advance.) Anyway, you should see the tall stack of issues of "Bill & George." All 444 of them, ranging in page lengths from 8 to 42. I started that back in 1994, and since most of them are done in pencil, it's impossible to scan them with the scanner i have now. Well, anyway, read Bird and Sign.



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