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atari2600land's Blog - "Fun" with cryptic crosswords


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The mind works in mysterious ways. While I was asleep I was apparently trying to think of ideas for my Far-Side-type comic strip. I woke up with two puns in my head, and, armed with a throat ache whenever I tried to lay down, I went to my bathroom where my crossword puzzle magazines were. Each issue has about 5 cryptic crosswords in them (I can't find the latest issue anywhere, though.) I wanted to see if maybe I can work my puns into a cryptic crossword. In each issue, there's also an article about how to do them. Then I got to thinking: "Well, sure, I'll give making a cryptic crossword a try." and I found a letter that shared both puns and began work making my very first cryptic crossword. And so far, they're hard to make because you have to think up a punny clue to each word. As a test, I tried to see if I could do one in the magazine. After struggling with one for 15 minutes, I only got two clues (and I am so proud!) After that, I thought, "Well, back to work on my cryptic crossword." And now my throat ache is gone and I should sleep, seeing as how I only got about 4 hours' worth so far, but now I want to lie awake and think of puns for my cryptic crossword I'm making. Here's a little preview of what it looks like:



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