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7800 Impossible Mission Memo


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Desert Falcon was done by GCC, so Atari gave out copies of the source code to help developers.



Thanks Allan, that explains it. Who's GCC?

No problem. It's just a guess so I could be wrong.


Do you remember the address of Ibic. Inc. in Hartford?



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Desert Falcon was done by GCC, so Atari gave out copies of the source code to help developers.



Thanks Allan, that explains it. Who's GCC?

No problem. It's just a guess so I could be wrong.


Do you remember the address of Ibic. Inc. in Hartford?



The address in the protos says WEST Hartford. I'm not sure if that's a different place than Hartford or not.



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Desert Falcon was done by GCC, so Atari gave out copies of the source code to help developers.



Thanks Allan, that explains it. Who's GCC?

No problem. It's just a guess so I could be wrong.


Do you remember the address of Ibic. Inc. in Hartford?



The address in the protos says WEST Hartford. I'm not sure if that's a different place than Hartford or not.



Yes, your right. They're right next to each other so it's not far away. Just got to get the right town/city when looking for the address. :)


For fun I was going to go up there and take a picture of the building (if it's even there still.) I should do it for the Coleco buildings as well.






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To be greedy and everything, have you thought about doing any new 7800 games? :lol:


Who, me? Definitely. My son, who is 15-years-old, is very interested in the retro gaming genre, and is very good at making sprites and other graphics for some of the Mario-type games out there. He's going to be a very good resource ...


I am about to clean up my basement, so I can put together a few systems, such as the 7800, a C64, a C128, etc, and get working on getting WG/SG/CG and One-on-One sources back from the dead PC floppies I have.


I wanted to do a lot more in that respect during the Christmas-New Year break, but I was too busy putting my daughter's room back together, and getting my son's computer resources updated ;)


If there is a way to get an SD card to emulate a 27C10 EPROM, let me know ...

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someone needs to lend this guy a Cuttle Cart 2.


Actually, I meant it as a way to deliver the games. Developing, I can handle. I still have my RAM development board.


I was wondering if there was a way to cobble together an SD card (although, a Compact Flash looks more promising) and a 7800, so people could download the games to the card, insert it into an adapter, and play it there.


Just thinking out loud.


This way, there's no need to pull apart old carts, find eproms, program them, label them, etc. etc.


Again, just thinking out loud.

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someone needs to lend this guy a Cuttle Cart 2.


Actually, I meant it as a way to deliver the games. Developing, I can handle. I still have my RAM development board.


I was wondering if there was a way to cobble together an SD card (although, a Compact Flash looks more promising) and a 7800, so people could download the games to the card, insert it into an adapter, and play it there.


Just thinking out loud.


This way, there's no need to pull apart old carts, find eproms, program them, label them, etc. etc.


Again, just thinking out loud.


Oh, duh, just realized what a Cuttle Cart 2 is ;)


Duh duh duh...


Yes a CC2 is great for testing and playing games. The only downside is that they aren't made anymore.


As far as building actually carts, there are several people on the forums that can build them for you, probably could handle sales as well. I've done it myself in the past but am too lazy in general to do it on a regular basis. :D


There are also new cart boards being made so they don't necessarily need to use recycled ones.



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Actually, I meant it as a way to deliver the games. Developing, I can handle. I still have my RAM development board.

I made some pretty good boards as long as you don't need RAM. They go up to 144K, though for some reason, my original 144K idea and the 256K-1M didn't work. If there was interest, and if I wasn't short on money due to lack of employment, I would probably get some place in China to make a new run of them. (I only have about 25 or so bare boards left right now.)




If a game needs RAM, the best option may be to desolder a bunch of Jinks boards.

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I made some pretty good boards as long as you don't need RAM. They go up to 144K, though for some reason, my original 144K idea and the 256K-1M didn't work. If there was interest, and if I wasn't short on money due to lack of employment, I would probably get some place in China to make a new run of them. (I only have about 25 or so bare boards left right now.)




If a game needs RAM, the best option may be to desolder a bunch of Jinks boards.


Bruce, your link doesn't seem to work for me. Looks like a problem with the domain.



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By the way, is your copy of the Desert Falcon source the same as the one found on this page?


It's ALMOST the same. Here's a part from SINIT.S (which is in one of two source files, FALCON.S and FALCON2.S, which are separated out in the link you gave me). Notice the different in formatting, and even getting the high/low byte of a 16-bit number. Looks like different assembler syntaxes. Not sure if that was me trying to compile it on my cross-assembler (2500AD x6502) or what.


SINIT.S snippet from what you linked to (tabs/spaces not preserved by posting, this worked).


         LDA     #TITCHR1/256            ;LOAD HIGH BYTE OF TITLE PAGE CHARS
         STA     CHARBASE               ;INTO CHARBASE

         STA     DPPL
         LDA     #DLLIST/256
         STA     DPPH

         LDX     #79
         LDA     #0


Snippet from the sources I have:


         STA     CHARBASE               ;INTO CHARBASE

         LDA     #L(DLLIST)             ;SET UP DPPL AND DPPH FOR TITLE PAGE
         STA     DPPL
         LDA     #H(DLLIST)
         STA     DPPH

         LDX     #79
         LDA     #0


I made some pretty good boards as long as you don't need RAM.


RAM is definitely a requirement for IM, and certainly would be for anything with any real "maps" that have changing data, at least, that's the LAZY way to do it (ROTFL) ;)

Edited by krewat
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Bruce, your link doesn't seem to work for me. Looks like a problem with the domain.

Argh. I didn't realize that was still on that other domain. My DNS server here was the authoritative server, so it still works for me. Moving it over is now at the top of my to-do list. Thanks.


EDIT: One symlink later...



Edited by Bruce Tomlin
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The H() and L() macros are used in the sphynx_source.zip I downloaded from AA (pretty sure I did anyways).


Interesting, I seem to have copies of both versions. I think that Curt posted one version here on the forums and another version on his site.



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  • 3 weeks later...

krewat... it's a pleasure to have a developer on the site! It's always interesting hearing the stories from the good ol days.


If and when you get some 7800 carts ready for sale, I'll be waiting!


I do have one question... you mention finishing IM... but I thought the PAL version was the finished (or at least fixed) version of the game? I thought someone was (or has) converted the PAL rom to NTSC and named it "Possible Mission". I could be wrong but thought I read that in another thread.


And that letter was a treat, thanks for sharing!

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krewat... it's a pleasure to have a developer on the site! It's always interesting hearing the stories from the good ol days.


If and when you get some 7800 carts ready for sale, I'll be waiting!


I do have one question... you mention finishing IM... but I thought the PAL version was the finished (or at least fixed) version of the game? I thought someone was (or has) converted the PAL rom to NTSC and named it "Possible Mission". I could be wrong but thought I read that in another thread.


Thanks for the kind thoughts.


As for IM, I've heard others say it was "fixed" but that the "fix" also introduced other bugs.


I was never involved in "fixing" the PAL version, and I don't think they put together a PC and 2500SD X6502 compiler(assembler) to actually recompile the code, so it was definitely a binary hack. Either way, I still want to get out a fixed version of IM, with other embellishments. Not sure what those will be, but we'll see what I can accomplish.

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krewat... it's a pleasure to have a developer on the site! It's always interesting hearing the stories from the good ol days.


If and when you get some 7800 carts ready for sale, I'll be waiting!


I do have one question... you mention finishing IM... but I thought the PAL version was the finished (or at least fixed) version of the game? I thought someone was (or has) converted the PAL rom to NTSC and named it "Possible Mission". I could be wrong but thought I read that in another thread.


And that letter was a treat, thanks for sharing!


Actually, I was the guy that made a fixed NTSC version a few years back (the famous "Possible Mission"). :)

I just converted the PAL stuff to NTSC. It's 100% playable and beatable. I believe the ROM is on Mitch's site.


As krewat mentioned, it was a binary hack; not source code.

So, it was just twisting some color tables, and a few DLL lengths, which were not too hard to find.


I'm really excited to see what krewat can do from a source-level. :)



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I really have to document this stuff, I keep saying things that are false ;)


You are probably getting it confused with the Atari fixed version of NTSC Impossible Mission that introduced a new bug. It is unknown if this version ever made it into production.


John's version is definitely fully working. :)



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