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Mord's Blog - Maze Realms (v0.021)


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Ok, added a couple monsters that I'll be using to test the various aspects of the Inactive List. I'll likely tweak it but for now it's ok. The Data byte for the slots is patched in and it will save to the Inactive list when that's implemented next version.


Color of the object is usually hardwired into the object's data. That will probably work fine for most cases but if the color is read in as 0, it'll load whatever is in the Data byte instead. The application of such is used in the Hearts and the "gear" monster. Each monster has it's own AI. One will never leave the screen it's in. The other will bounce off of dead exits, but otherwise pass through the edge of the screen the same way the player can. It's movement AI is pretty simple but it's just for testing purposes.


Also, the Heart Placer picks a random Data value which ends up giving it's hue (since it flashes the lower bits are meaningless!) however it then does a bit of modification on that Data byte and stores the result in it's HP byte - which is what determines how much HP/Power/Magic/Whateverit'scalledeventually you receive for picking it up.



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