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EricBall's Tech Projects - just buy a Dell?


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My home computer is close to dead - random reboots and errors which point to a hardware failure. It's at least 7 years old, so I guess it's time for an upgrade. Sigh.


I've spec'd out a Dell replacement for C$878+tax etc. My question is whether there's any real point in looking at other makes etc. Unlike the old machine, I'm not interested in researching each component and assembling it myself. I have consoles for playing games so I don't need the ultimate in performance. I just want good value for money.


I guess my thinking is HP et al are sold via channels like Future Shop, who are going to take a slice of the profit. But Dell can take some of that cost and give me a better price.


I'd look at Macs too if I didn't have a bunch of Windows only software. Macs are great if you can stay inside the box of available software. Unfortunately, I tend to wander off that trail.



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