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Planet Bob - Internet Top 10 2009!


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Hi there!


This is a small list and description of the 10 internet pages I frequented the most in 2009:


1. http://www.atariage.com/


Quite obvious. I'm mostly hanging out in the Wii and the Blog sections, but also reading elsewhere when I'm bored. My main focus here are the "Playing..." and "Interplaying" articles I'm writing, I love doing those :)


2. http://www.officialdamned.com/


I'm checking the frontpage daily, but I'm not participating on the message board. I have an account, but I'm only ocassionally lurking. I'm Online since 1995 and there's only so and so much you can talk about a single band, so it just got too boring for me to participate.


3. http://www.capcom-unity.com


This year I switched over from the European boards to Unity, never looking back. The #1 meeting point for Capcomaniacs like me. I like the new video game club feature, it's cool to play Resident Evil and Mega Man together with other fans :)


4. http://nintendowiix.net


A German Wii news page in blog style. It has very fast and complete news and you can post comments without registering an account. Much fun hanging around there, mostly very friendly folks.


5. http://www.mobygames.com


The best games database on this planet. I actually think it perfectly compliments Wikipedia for games. While wikipedia may have better detailed info on some games and companies, you can much better research/browse mobygames. You want to know all C64 games that Electronic Arts released in 1988? That's just three mouseclicks on moby!


6. http://www.gamefaqs.com


I like the reviews and the FAQs. Also a good database.


7. http://www.interplay.com


A new entry in my list. It's a very slow forum, with ~ 1 post per day, but that may change soon, when they rise from the ashes again. It's also been a good source for info regarding my Interplaying articles.


8. http://www.metacritic.com/


It's been a black day for the internet when the original gamerankings got destroyed in 2009. The remaining ruins left me in the cold, so I switched to metacritic. It's still probably not even better than gamerankings, but at least going there don't makes me angry.


9. http://www.kotaku.com


One of the best sources for gaming related porn, just ignore all other info there :D

(They're just as clueless about Wii games as any other "professional" gaming outlet...)


10. http://www.amazon.com


Strange enough, this year I bought much more from Amazon than eBay. This wasn't intentional or anything, it just seems they're serving my needs better these days.






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