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Question for GroovyBee, Kenfused, PacMan Plus, and Propane13


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I realize I wasn't invited, but I submit my two cents because I love the game and would love to see improvements to this (and Rampage). The things I'd like to see improved which I think are achievable (based on posts I've seen from GroovyBee here and elsewhere... and based on the screenshots and gameplay reports of Electrocop) are:


  • More colors for the character sprites.
  • Smoother scrolling
  • Pokey sound chip
  • Game play mechanics more like the arcade, although it's already much more playable for the casual player than the 2600 version. (I'm not knocking the 2600 version, as it's perfectly playable once you learn the right moves, it's just that the casual player is often turned off by the learning curve).

Edited by KevinMos3
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Double Dragon is one of the best games on the 7800 but I do miss the weapons you got in the arcade version. Be nice to have bats, whips and knives to throw around :) Aside from the weapons missing Double Dragon for the 7800 is the best 8bit port this game saw IMO.

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Double Dragon is one of the best games on the 7800 but I do miss the weapons you got in the arcade version. Be nice to have bats, whips and knives to throw around :) Aside from the weapons missing Double Dragon for the 7800 is the best 8bit port this game saw IMO.


The PAL version has weapons! Looking at the screenshots (towards the end of the Double Dragon page) in the 7800 section the hero is carrying a bat so the NTSC version must have weapons too.

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The PAL version has weapons! Looking at the screenshots (towards the end of the Double Dragon page) in the 7800 section the hero is carrying a bat so the NTSC version must have weapons too.


There are weapons, but many of the weapons and elements from the arcade are missing. You can't throw crates or barrels. The blocks don't come out of the walls. No lifts operating etc. If I remember right, you can't perform some moves either.


I always liked the game in that I found it fun to play but I wasn't as optimistic as Shawn. I thought it was a C+ effort of an A game. I thought the art direction could have been much better (especially the sprites), the scrolling smoother, and more elements worked in. Plus, some of the AI was wonky.

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The PAL version has weapons! Looking at the screenshots (towards the end of the Double Dragon page) in the 7800 section the hero is carrying a bat so the NTSC version must have weapons too.


There are weapons, but many of the weapons and elements from the arcade are missing. You can't throw crates or barrels. The blocks don't come out of the walls. No lifts operating etc. If I remember right, you can't perform some moves either.


I always liked the game in that I found it fun to play but I wasn't as optimistic as Shawn. I thought it was a C+ effort of an A game. I thought the art direction could have been much better (especially the sprites), the scrolling smoother, and more elements worked in. Plus, some of the AI was wonky.



Ya, Abobo not breaking threw the wall is kinda lame.

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The character graphics could use some improving - I thought they did a good job with the looks of Abobo and similar characters, but the bad guys look just like your character - and then there's the moves. You can't do the knee lifts, and you can't throw the guy - one of my favorite things to do in the arcade version. This is my same complaint with Mat Mania Challenge - besides the overall horrible game play on that one. And as said before - you can't throw barrels - one of the most fun aspects of the arcade version. The moving conveyor belt, the stabbing of the statues in the semi-final stage, etc.....I hate to compare to the nintendo version, but they were able to include most of those aspects in that one. But I don't play Nintendo.

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Plus, some of the AI was wonky.


Some? There's almost no AI in the game at all in my experience. The bad guys have two attack sequences. Move towards you and attack when you're in range (You will get hit if you get close to them like this.) or attempt to get behind you. (The only time you can safely attack them.) Hitting them in the get-behind mode instantly switches them over to the attack - meaning you had better have knocked them down with that first hit.

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