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Auctions like this are complete BS

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Agreed, but there are members here who sell repros on ebay without so much as a fart about it. For what it's worth, this one at least states three times it is not an original.

That said, if enough people report the item it will get pulled.




270513526062, 270513526299, 270513526539, 270513526713, 270513526892, 270513527014, 270513527213, 270513527414, 270513527612







$6 bucks is ridiculous to ship one cart first class. That's good enough for me to report them. :x

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Is selling a copy AS a copy and not an original not okay? Please correct me if I'm wrong.


The buyer is in for more than they bargained for. Did you read the full description? ORIGANAL... OUCH! My ass hurts just thinking about the potential for irresponsible capitalism here... lol

Edited by save2600
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Well, they do say it's not original, it's a copy. Yeah, it could still fool someone new, but isn't it clear that it's not original?

I agree with you. If it didn't say it was a copy, then yeah, this would be messed up, but the seller does clearly say in the description using a pretty big font "This is a copy of the original game". Now if some prospective buyer can't read, then it's on them in my opinion.


For disclosure, I've purchased reproduction carts in the past when I can't find an original or if the original is out of my price range, but I know ahead of time that they are reproductions and almost always ask a lot of questions before hand. For me, I collect games that I want to play and if it's a reproduction or original is secondary, but I do want to know ahead of time what I'm buying.

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Is selling a copy AS a copy and not an original not okay? Please correct me if I'm wrong.


This does violate eBay rules. eBay prohibits copies from being sold.


In addition the way that the seller list these will make many buyers think that these are originals. Here is the title to one of the listings, "Atari 2600/7800 Great Escape by Bomb W@W!". A lot of buyers don't read descriptions. If they see the title they will think that it is by Bomb and is an original.

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The prices are pretty high for a non-original copy, but it does state that it is not an original cart from Bomb. Seanhq, I'll also buy a repro no problem if the price is right and not being represented as an original.


/edit: holygrail nailed it for me, we must have posted so I couldn't read his before I posted. eBay may have a problem with this.


But I wouldn't. I'll still buy repro carts from sellers, as long as they're not being touted as original. If I could make my own custom carts I would, that's for sure-- foil lables, clear cases, LEDs, the whole ball of wax:)


Heck, gonna make repros, make them special.


But what he's asking for a repro of a normal cart??? No thanks

Edited by nathanallan
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To me, there are two things wrong with the auction... if it's against ebay rules to sell copies, then it's not okay to sell it there. And 2, she ships in a bubble mailer. Well, sometimes that's okay, but since these are basically new games, I wouldn't want it shipped that way.

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I had an original 2600 Crazy Climber cart for sale once there. Problem was, I had to create a new label for it because the old one was so hacked up. Printed a really nice end and main label and was upfront on what it was people were looking at. Next thing I know, my auction was pulled without warning. Probably some self righteous bastard of a boob with no life turned it in for artistic copyright infringement (I'm guessing, why else would it be pulled?). The government has been doing a fine job of turning us all against each other and this is no different. Anyone that reports on others' auctions is a wanker in my book. Tattling is lame and something we all learned (or not) out in the school yard.


Thing to do is constructively write to the seller and educate them maybe about the potential of copyright infringement or the potential for sum simpleton to get confused. But if you are not the original author and have nothing to lose or gain - why bugger getting into someone else's business? icon_rolleyes.gif


ePay is already a hostile environment. Why add to the agitation? IF someone is stupid enough to purchase a copy of something, thinking it's original, let them learn the expensive lesson then. For me, I guess it's about hypocrisy and regulation. I can't stand the police state that this country is turning into. And that's exactly what's been going on for the last 10+ years re: the Internet. Government and capitalism had to step in. Look where it's gotten all of us. We're all that much worse off because of it.

Edited by save2600
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ePay is already a hostile environment. Why add to the agitation? IF someone is stupid enough to purchase a copy of something, thinking it's original, let them learn the expensive lesson then. For me, I guess it's about hypocrisy and regulation. I can't stand the police state that this country is turning into. And that's exactly what's been going on for the last 10+ years re: the Internet. Government and capitalism had to step in. Look where it's gotten all of us. We're all that much worse off because of it.

save2600 for president? :)

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ePay is already a hostile environment. Why add to the agitation? IF someone is stupid enough to purchase a copy of something, thinking it's original, let them learn the expensive lesson then. For me, I guess it's about hypocrisy and regulation. I can't stand the police state that this country is turning into. And that's exactly what's been going on for the last 10+ years re: the Internet. Government and capitalism had to step in. Look where it's gotten all of us. We're all that much worse off because of it.

save2600 for president? :)


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For crying out loud, keep politics out of the forum. :roll:





icon_mrgreen.gif Sorry - it's just so tough to do sometimes! I was reminded of that IRS proclamation that has people, companies and neighbors turning each other in for tax "scandals" (btw: according to Forbes, nobody's reaped anything substantial yet for said worthless behavior - surprise). There's relevancy to be observed here with ePay is all.



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Even though these are old games, and the companies that created them may not even exist anymore, I am not clear about the copyright laws in this situation, so I think that eBay is erring on the side of the law about not permitting copied material to be sold.


I think that it might be interesting to hear from CebusCapucinis on the copyright issue(s) here.

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I had an original 2600 Crazy Climber cart for sale once there. Problem was, I had to create a new label for it because the old one was so hacked up. Printed a really nice end and main label and was upfront on what it was people were looking at. Next thing I know, my auction was pulled without warning. Probably some self righteous bastard of a boob with no life turned it in for artistic copyright infringement (I'm guessing, why else would it be pulled?). The government has been doing a fine job of turning us all against each other and this is no different. Anyone that reports on others' auctions is a wanker in my book. Tattling is lame and something we all learned (or not) out in the school yard.


Thing to do is constructively write to the seller and educate them maybe about the potential of copyright infringement or the potential for sum simpleton to get confused. But if you are not the original author and have nothing to lose or gain - why bugger getting into someone else's business? icon_rolleyes.gif


ePay is already a hostile environment. Why add to the agitation? IF someone is stupid enough to purchase a copy of something, thinking it's original, let them learn the expensive lesson then. For me, I guess it's about hypocrisy and regulation. I can't stand the police state that this country is turning into. And that's exactly what's been going on for the last 10+ years re: the Internet. Government and capitalism had to step in. Look where it's gotten all of us. We're all that much worse off because of it.


Y, somebody ratted me out for a modded NES one time. The only "infraction" was a disabled 10NES lockout chip on a front loader. Thing they could never explain is that Nintendo left the 10NES completely out of the top loader, so how was my mod doing anything illegal? Game Gavel had no problem with me listing the exact same system over there.

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Up for bid is this Ultra Rare cartridge Great Escape in excellent condition


it does say THIS ultra rare cartridge before ever mentioning that it is "not origanal" .... :thumbsdown:



Game label is in excellent condition


of course, it's a brand new repro :roll:



Try to find this anywhere else on ebay for this price.


randy? eeehm no, as randy only charges something like 10$, or wasn't it even just 5$? so no chance to pick it up for 24.95 from him ... :P



This game is an absolute must for every collection.


"ooh let me brag, i have this absolutely incredible hozer repro of a ntsc bomb cart"




This is a hobby for me.


isn't the price 250% of what randy charges for a copy? that sound more like business than a hobby! :|


maybe there is just a few words missing in his sentense: This is a business financing my hobby for me.


i say RIP OFF!



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yeah listings like these shit me to no end....


eBay Auction -- Item Number: 2705135265391?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=270513526539&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]

eBay Auction -- Item Number: 2705135262991?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=270513526299&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]


mostly it's just the ride from excitment when you get the ebay 'saved listing' alert - then going to total disapointment when you see the listing and discovering that the title is totally fake and misleading, and the seller is a total fraud.


Where does the idea that it is a prototype come from?

Sure it says "not origanal" ;) - but it's such a sham of a listing - the seller deserves to be struck out.

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yeah listings like these shit me to no end....


eBay Auction -- Item Number: 2705135265391?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=270513526539&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]

eBay Auction -- Item Number: 2705135262991?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=270513526299&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]


mostly it's just the ride from excitment when you get the ebay 'saved listing' alert - then going to total disapointment when you see the listing and discovering that the title is totally fake and misleading, and the seller is a total fraud.


Where does the idea that it is a prototype come from?

Sure it says "not origanal" ;) - but it's such a sham of a listing - the seller deserves to be struck out.


Then report them. Everyone HATES Ebay yet it's unscrupulous sellers that make it bad. There's more than enough people who have a problem with his auction, posting here complaining about it but not taking the twelve seconds to click and report them.


Don't be surprised as more and more of these pop up.

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It's actually really hard to get a listing pulled because of being a bootleg. It's much easier to get them pulled for the countless listing violations that scammers always like to use, like how on all of this person's they say that shipping charges include ebay and paypal fees and to contact them privately about accepting payment methods besides Paypal. eBay will pull those auctions from just one person reporting either of those things.

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