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Mord's Blog - Gaming Activities 2


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I "finished" Evil Zone as planned over the weekend by unlocking everything, which basically makes you complete all the story modes, play 1P and 2P modes a lot, etc. I ended up losing a good chunk of the unlocking the first time on Saturday however when the game froze on me when I was over half way through them. I had the game set to auto-save but apparently that only kicks in when you complete story mode or 1P mode. When you're fighting it out in 2P mode to get all the character's selection comments (8 each, gotta play and win fights with them close to 60-80 times or so per character!) I made sure I saved manually the second time doing them.


And with that out of the way, Ar Tonelico has started up. I've decided on two other games to go through prior to moving back to Soul Reaver. Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (should only take a couple hours when I sit down to actually play it) and Castlevania: Lament of Innocence on the PS2. I'm not the biggest fan of 3d castlevanias really, but both Lament of Innocence and Curse of Darkness were pretty good all the same if you just take them as the kinds of game they are rather than lamenting they're not 2d. (For the record, I do prefer the 2d castlevanias.)


I'll likely do Soul Reaver and Soul Reaver 2 back to back which will probably take me up to the start of summer with the way I play games. This weekend I won't be playing any games however. Instead I'll be devoting as much time as possible to Maze Realms. I'll likely be playing Ar Tonelico an hour here and an hour there during the weekdays.



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