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Amiga 1000 w 1080 monitor complete in box


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Gorgeous system and yes - you're right about the RAM (1.5mb total). In the front you've got a 256kb A1050 or compatible and I'm guessing a DKB Insider I inside that puppy. The early versions had just 1mb (others had a whopping 1.5mb) and plugs into the CPU socket. Pretty desirable to have internal Fast Ram on a 1000 instead of the sidecar stuff off the expansion bus. There's also an internal battery for keeping time, but they're almost always dead on arrival and not easy to replace. They look like an I.C. actually. Good luck with your sale!

Edited by save2600
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Thanks for the info! Do you think it's safe to revise the listing saying there's internal fast RAM or should I crack the case and look? (I'd rather not open it :| )


No need to bother opening the case. Unless there was some major modding going on (to which end you'd know and you'd have at least a Kickstart 2.0 chip installed), I'd bet my right nut you have 512kb of Chip RAM and 1mb of Fast. I'd leave the fact that the clock battery on that Insider board is toast (wouldn't even mention the clock at all) out of the description too. Most all prospective A1000 buyers know what's inside these machines.

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That was quick! I told Bob I didn't want tje 1000 but he'd have a crapload of people banging down his door if he listed both systems on Craigslist. It told him if I wanted the A1K I'd just buy it off ebay when whoever got it off him flipped it! I didn't expect it to show up within 24 hours!

Edited by FastRobPlus
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That was quick! I told Bob I didn't want the 1000 but he'd have a crapload of people banging down his door if he listed both systems on Craigslist. It told him if I wanted the A1K I'd just buy it off ebay when whoever got it off him flipped it! I didn't expect it to show up within 24 hours!


Need to recoup the money quickly that I shouldn't have spent. Bob listed it too cheap but wised up and raised the price on me before I got there when all the people flooded him with emails. Too bad about the water damage to all the boxed software. It was still wet. :(


I'm keeping the 3k as an upgrade from my 2k. I'll be putting the 2k on eBay asap! :)

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