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Beebris Special Edition Jag-CD Now For Sale!


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We're now able to offer the first 10 copies of Beebris SE CD. It includes different graphics for each game mode, a new title screen & a 2nd disc of goodies. Please visit the Beebris page of the Reboot site to find out more. Also, webscores are back online after the server move, so get playing & submit your scores (all versions can make use of this feature).

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OK, great response, people! Thanks to everyone who has contacted us so far - you should have received a reply now. Also, special thanks to those speedy enough to have acted on that reply already, cheers icon_thumbsup.gif


I replied & I acted!icon_mrgreen.gif

Cant wait guys, thanks so much!

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I need to work out a way to power the Jag CD. There is plenty of head room, but no outlets left (they must have made the unit before they released the drive). Would be awesome to get an adapter with the correct MA to power both units off one plug. I've done that with Sega CD in the past, it's nice to reduce down to one cord. Nathan Allan talked about doing that at a project once I think.



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server not available at the moment? :(


Yes it's still down :( Although it's based in the UK, that stuff is handled by our aussie who is fast asleep on the wrong side of the world. Hopefully it'll be back up soon before he wakes up & starts having to shout at people :D

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