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atari2600land's Blog - ChuChu Rocket for VB


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I have decided to move my ChuChu Rocket game developing from the 2600 to the Virtual Boy. I need a new Virtual Boy game to work on after finishing GoSub (which placed 3rd in the 2009 Homebrew of the Year contest on Planet Virtual Boy), and, since there is no random number generator for the VB, and ChuChuRocket doesn't need one, I decided that the game would be much better suited towards my coding ability on the Virtual Boy. So those hoping for Insect Combat being a reality, I'm going to have to let you down. I haven't gotten very far with the VB version before I needed some help (which is typical for my VB games.), so it will be a while before I get a working demo up and running for the VB. There is only going to be one mouse. So, that's what I'm doing nowadays: Focusing on VB coding.



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