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eBay is screwing us again - eBay stores gone


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Dear arcadecollecting:


The upfront cost of selling on eBay is about to be dramatically reduced with our lowest Insertion Fees ever. I wanted to personally let you know about this exciting change and how it can help you in particular.


Based on your past year of selling activity, we recommend the new Basic Store subscription package.


For just $15.95 a month you get:

Fixed Price with full search exposure for just 20¢ Insertion Fees with Final Value Fees for the most part staying the same.

FREE pictures

Discounted fees on Auction-style listings


Only one Fixed Price format

"Full search exposure" is key because starting March 30, there will be just one Fixed Price listing format on eBay. Store Inventory Format listings will automatically become regular Fixed Price listings with the same duration and renew at the new rates--and they'll surface in search results right along with all other listings.




The $15.95 a month subscription is what I already have, so what used to cost $0.03 to list will now cost $0.20 every 30 days. Thanks eBay, for dramatically increasing my upfront cost of selling on eBay while telling me you're reducing it. We all know you guys just aren't making enough money and need more. Glad I can help!

Edited by djpubba
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Switch to Amazon - they tried to pull that 20 day hold crap on my Paypal account, so I cancelled them. Lo and behold, after my account is gone I get an email saying they lifted the 20 hold policy. Classic.


Now I list my stuff on Amazon and accept Google checkout. eBay sucks!

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5¢ Fixed Price Insertion Fees for Books, Music, Movies & DVDs and Video Games extended through 2010

We're extending the special promotion so you'll continue to get 5¢ Fixed Price Insertion Fees in these categories when you list with Product Details.


Sotre inventory really wasn't doing it, and I mostly sell video games anyway but I know some of the other store listings are going to hurt. eBay really is bleah sometimes...

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I got this one, but i don't have a store.



Dear rgw825:


Starting March 30, 2010 selling on eBay will be a better deal than ever!


* List Auction-style FREE--no Insertion Fees--when you start your Auction-style listing under $1.


* Get new, lower Insertion Fees for all other start prices.


* Either way, pay one easy Final Value Fee of 9% of the winning bid (but never more than $50)-and pay only if your item sells.


* List in Fixed Price for 50¢, with Final Value Fees for the most part staying the same.


This new standard fee structure will replace the current "first 5 listings free"--you'll pay no Insertion Fees whenever you list Auction-style and start pricing under $1!*

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It sounds like they are trying to get all that inventory out of the stores and into auctions where it will sell if someone bids on it. This might not work out well for ebay. What's 9% of a penny? Of course they still have their paypal percentage too. What's 5% of a penny? :lol:

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It sounds like they are trying to get all that inventory out of the stores and into auctions where it will sell if someone bids on it. This might not work out well for ebay. What's 9% of a penny? Of course they still have their paypal percentage too. What's 5% of a penny? :lol:


I saw Superman III, I know those half-pennies really add up!

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It sounds like they are trying to get all that inventory out of the stores and into auctions where it will sell if someone bids on it. This might not work out well for ebay. What's 9% of a penny? Of course they still have their paypal percentage too. What's 5% of a penny? :lol:


I saw Superman III, I know those half-pennies really add up!


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I actually got a freakin' TEXT MESSAGE on my cell phone from eBay about this crap. That's a new low for them, to be certain. Here's the page on eBay that describes the fee changes:




I have a basic store from on eBay now (not related to AtariAge) and this change in listing fees blows. I've been paying three cents for Insertion fees, and I believe the items stay listed in the store for 90 days and then are relisted automatically. So that's, let's see, 50 items times 3 cents = $1.50 every three months, or about 50 cents a month. So now I'm going to have to pay 50 * 0.20 = $10.00 a month, or $30.00 for three months. So we've gone from 50 cents a month to $10.00 a month. That's a ginormous increase. :( Basically an additional $100+ a year for eBay. Yay eBay.


Oh, and looking at the charts at the above link just goes to show you how ridiculously complicated eBay has become over the years. :roll:



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I actually got a freakin' TEXT MESSAGE on my cell phone from eBay about this crap. That's a new low for them, to be certain. Here's the page on eBay that describes the fee changes:


eBay and Obama both sent me a text today. I don't want to be bothered with text messages. Can I sign up for a Do Not Text listing like the Do Not Call list?

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I actually got a freakin' TEXT MESSAGE on my cell phone from eBay about this crap. That's a new low for them, to be certain. Here's the page on eBay that describes the fee changes:


eBay and Obama both sent me a text today. I don't want to be bothered with text messages. Can I sign up for a Do Not Text listing like the Do Not Call list?

I got that one as well, plus a text message from Macrumors regarding the Apple event tomorrow. At least that one I signed up for!!



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I actually got a freakin' TEXT MESSAGE on my cell phone from eBay about this crap. That's a new low for them, to be certain. Here's the page on eBay that describes the fee changes:


eBay and Obama both sent me a text today. I don't want to be bothered with text messages. Can I sign up for a Do Not Text listing like the Do Not Call list?


I pay 20 cents every text message cuz I don't really use the feature. Well since I started getting like a few spams per week from websites that claim I signed up, that really adds up. I went to Verizon's website and was able to block all texts from the internet. That stopped most of them for me.

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The long and the short of it is that they are over run with people like myself who are now relying upon, committed to, and using the fixed price option. Especially in video games where it currently costs 15 cents per listing for a 30 day ad (but then 15% of the sale).


As I see it there are two goals. 1) They are trying to FORCE the sellers who use fixed price to have a store and pay a monthly fee while INCREASING the price to do so on top of the subscription. 2) encourage their old success by getting more low starting standard auctions.


Standard auctions in my opinion do not work on the vast majority of items. They used to because the site did not have millions of items to choose from. These days the super rare items do well in auction format because there are not many up, or time between a post. However, there is a middle class majority. This change will be good for large sellers who have lots of cheap JUNK, and little occasional sellers who have a few special items to sell. This is HORRIBLE for the guys like me who have an average $10 sale on 100 - 200 items a month.




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Wow, 50 cents per fixed listing now. Maybe their rational for upping the price in fixed listings is to force Buy It Now sellers to lower their price to a reasonable amount. See before you could sit year, after year on that $24.97 Basic Math cart. Now you will have to pay $6 a year to keep that listing up, and in so doing force the seller to sell it at a reasonable price.

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This change will be good for large sellers who have lots of cheap JUNK, and little occasional sellers who have a few special items to sell. This is HORRIBLE for the guys like me who have an average $10 sale on 100 - 200 items a month.




I agree with you Ax. The new structure will really benefit me, as I only occasionally list stuff for sale, and I start almost all of them under a buck and let the market dictate the value. With the new fee schedule, if I have something that I think is particularly valuable, I'll start it where I think an acceptable price should begin because most likely the cost to list and final value charge will be reasonable given the overall selling cost of the item.

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These are just my experiences but Amazon is just as bad if not worse. $1 for each listing (or a $40 monthly subscription for unlimited) plus 15% of your sale, a $3.99 ship credit that they take $1.23 for "Handling" so it's really $2.76, no seller protection without SIGNATURE confirmation. Gavel is like eBay's regular auctions, it works fine of good stuff, but you can forget getting plenty of quick sales on common $10 average stuff unless you want to park and wait on a fixed price listing.



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