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$1,000 CIB Atari 2600 Heavy Sixer? Seriously?


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I've been doing some looking around ePay trying to track down a boxed heavy sixer for a friend and I just across this listing which has a complete in box 1977 heavy sixer with all 9 launch titles. The seller has it listed for $1,000 USD buy it now. Granted, there is some nice stuff in this listing, but $1,000.00????


Has the value of a CIB 1977 Sunnyvale, CA 2600 really jumped this high or is the seller just out of their mind? I could see maybe $300.00-$400.00 but $1,000.00?? They even charge extra for shipping ($30.54 UPS Ground)! I would think for $1,000 they would ship for free.

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Well it is not that out of line. The Basic Math gatefold box recently went for $131 shipped. Those Sixer Joysticks look pretty sweet, and I could see them with the sixer paddles, and sixer driving controllers going $150. It even has a working grey power supply. To be honest if the seller would simply lower the price to about $500 I really think he would have a good shot at selling it. Of course it might take him awhile. Also, one more thing needs to be noted. Remember that The Heavy Sixer, and accessories are the oldest things for Atari going on 33 years. At about 35 years, supposedly is when things really take off in price, so in a couple of years, we may be thinking about the time when we complained about this auction.

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Anyone know the deal with why Atari had the chess piece on the box and then took it off?

At the time, Atari didn't have a Chess game and some guy in Florida sued Atari about it, so they removed the Chess piece picture. There are other pictures on the 1977 box that are not on the later versions, but people only seem to talk about the Chess piece, probably because of the lawsuit. I only know about the lawsuit because of the Stella at 20 (vol 1 & 2) videos :)

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