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616,300 - Hello, and name explanation


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Hello. The purpose of this blog is to record my attempt to beat the 7800 Donkey Kong World record in one year or less. The record (according to Twin Galaxies) currently stands at 616,200. Thus, the title of this blog is the score I need (at least) to accomplish that.


The reason I am doing this as a blog is because, if I make the attempt public, my usual ADD for games will not be able to take over and send me off after some other game. Also, on some level, I am kind of hoping someone reading it will comment and give me good advice I can use. And then there is the fact that while struggling away at the same agonizingly difficult game every day, it would help to pretend someone else is actually following the attempt. :)


Here is how the blog is going to work. Every day, I will be playing the game at least once. Each day I will be posting both my current highest score and my highest score for the day. I will probably also post observations on the game, the attempt, and some other foolishness with each day's update.


And that's it. In a year, for better or worse, the attempt and the blog are over. Not to be too cocky, but if I were 616,200, I'd start to plan my retirement.



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