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Pompeyparsons on eBay


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Last year I spent hundreds of dollars with a seller pompeyparsons on eBay. Our deals were good and I don't recall any issues. They are Nintendo Age members. After being blocked from bidding on their eBay listings with no reason, I asked why via ebay, and directly, why. I then posted a message similar to this one, publicly on Nintendo Age, calling them out to answer why they will not accept my money or communicate. After stating that I merely want answers, and in no way think they are a bad seller, the moderators at that site said that I had no right to post publicly, an issue like this. They removed it. As a part of mutual communities, both forums, as well as being active eBay members, I would expect that it is not only my right to post seeking information, in a factual way, without defaming anyone, but equally just as it is their right to ignore me as they have done. This information should be totally acceptable and important to have as history on a public forum, where it can be found, as not only should I very much like to know either what happened, but also if this is typical for the seller, so that others who search for that sellers name through google trying to find out more as I did, can also see the history of any pattern, and can make their own judgments if this sort of thing is recurring. Something that can not be accomplished if mods squash free speech that is not intended to harm or display any private or personal details or opinions, but rather simply entails facts. The item that I have been trying to purchase is worth over $100 and had been unsold for 28 days thus far as of the time of this post. There is no reason my money isn't as good as any other person, and I should expect that they would want to clear this up. I have sent PM through Nintendo Age as well, with no reply. Updates will be given here as information is provided.



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