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Christos' Blog - Low Res and other things


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So, I guess you've all read (or haven't) the last issue of lowres. However the webzine isn't without its problems. First of all this blog suffered. Everything I might want to write here can be put there too. So how do I manage those two efforts? Secondly there's the problem that we want to extend the magazine to other non atari platforms, or even to atari platforms we know nothing about. Ny VCS knowledge for example is left somewhere in 1988 when I played Moon patrol and a couple of other games on a friends 2600Jr. Thirdly there is always the question of feedback. We'll pretty much write what we want but if you have a good idea for an issue you'd like to discuss why not give us a hint?

So let me give you a little teaser of what I am preparing:


A jaguar article that will be discussed.

ST and Amiga gaming in a different look.

More CT63 experiences.


Other than that, life goes on as well as it can be in a recession economy. Still haven't bought a pc (really I get by with the falcon only :) ) and yeah I played some flying shark for STOT today :). Too fast on the 060..



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