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atari2600land's Blog - The Whirlwind


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So I was browsing Dream Theater's website when I came across another band Dream Theater's drummer is in called Transatlantic. And Transatlantic released an album called "The Whirlwind" last year. And this album has apparently one track. And said track is over 77 minutes long. Now I must have it. I went to eBay and all the copies were around $20, so this weekend I'm going to look at the big FYE after I get my hair cut (I hate getting my hair cut) to see if I can find it. The one in the mall is closing (it might have closed already, I haven't been to the mall for a while), so the only one left is in a building on Lancaster Drive. I was in there once, back when it was Wherehouse Music. If memory serves and they haven't done anything different, there's a huge collection of CDs there, so I might be able to find it there. I was unsuccessful at Wal-Mart (where I got Dream Theater's album called "Systematic Chaos".) So hopefully Transatlantic albums are as plentiful as Dream Theater's and I can find this album. I'll find out this weekend.



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